We're a ten year old and a five year old famously known as E squared. Please help us gain some parenting instruction for our Mom who's at least insightful enough to start a therapy fund for us.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Little E

You wouldn’t believe it. I fell on my face, went boom off the chair when Daddy tried to push my chair in. Then, I got to sit on my Daddy’s lap for the entire dinner. It was amazing. It was three days ago. I just can’t stop talking about it. Every time I sit at the table, I have to relive the entire thing…Daddy pulling out the chair, me going boom, me sitting on Daddy’s lap. Amazing. Listen. I need an outlet. My sissy and I hardly get heard from our mother. She is always doing something, especially on her computer. We are sick of not being heard so we’ve decided to blog so the whole world can listen to our stories because someone needs to.

I’m little E. If you ask me how old I am, I’ll say “2” and stick my middle and index fingers up. Technically my mom says I’m 2 ½ but I don’t get that half stuff. Who has half a finger to show? Anyways, my sissy is 7. She’s a half too but she never says that either. She rocks. I like spending time with her but she doesn’t always want to spend time with me. She tells me she’s having alone time. Alone time, what’s that? I have alone time when I’m sitting on the potty, not when I’m in my room. Anyways, I’m learning to respect her space but I’m not very good at it yet. I figure I have a lot of years to grow up so in the meantime, I’m going to try to get away with whatever I can whenever I can.

For instance, I know it’s time to hurry up when my mom says, “No.” I only have a few seconds to finish whatever it is I’m trying to do so I do it very fast. The other day, I was making a surprise for my mom. I heard her in the kitchen banging the dishes so I hurried onto her bed where I found her journal and pen. Then and there I decided to make her the most beautiful picture because she works so hard to take care of me. My artwork was ink drawing on cotton. I was making helicopters for her, “ga-ga” as I call them. Well she walked into the room and you can’t believe her. She had the nerve to tell me “NO!” and dive for the pen. Being almost done, I immediately scribbled the rotor. It wasn’t my best rotor because I needed to hurry. I gave her my brightest smile because I knew she would love it. She didn’t even smile back. I think she said “NO” or something. I tuned her out after that. I can’t handle negativity when it comes to my art career. If she can’t appreciate it, then I’m sure my dad will love it when he gets home. He loves most everything I do. Anyways, she had the nerve to put me in a time out! Can you believe it? Talk about going overboard and bringing me into her negativity. What is this going to do to my self-esteem? A few more episodes like this and I could be scarred for life. I’m definitely going to talk to Dad about this. Who is he leaving me with anyways?

Thank you for reading our blog. I’m sure readers like you can help us set our mother straight. We definitely need some parenting instruction if you know what I mean. We’ll be in touch (my sissy and I that is). Bye-bye. Love, Little E (one part of E squared)

1 comment:

  1. Fun.....since I know the kids, I can see them either doing or saying these things!

