Issy and I LOVE 'iders. This was one we spotted in our driveway. Here it is climbing up the wall of our house. Issy took this picture with her new camera. Isn't it so good?
I've been busy, too busy to write. School, gymnastics, and digging have kept me very, very busy. Also, I'm a worker. My mommy, she tries to be a worker, but I'M the worker. I do so many helpful things. I get out the carpet cleaner and spray it on the rug. My mom wasn't very excited I did it without her permission but I'm BIG now. I can do things myself. Then I was a worker when I cut the papers with scissors. I needed to write to Mimi and Papa but didn't have any notecards, so I made some. It was the best because after I cut, we got to use the tape to fix the paper. The next day, I even did it again. I cut up some paper, then I repaired it using tape. Tape is hard to get out and it took most of the roll to fix the paper. Now, I can't find the scissors anymore. They aren't in the drawer. We need to buy more!
In just about any situation, I can be a worker. However, while eating I prefer to be an animal. Kitties are loud when they eat. I am, too. I meow and really focus on tearing the food up my hands. My family doesn't appreciate it and try to get me to be quiet but all kitties need to eat so I stay at the table. Other days I'm a dog. Dogs, they don't use their hands. They eat with only their mouth. I do too. No hands allowed when eating like a dog. Eating cereal as a dog is very, very fun. Fitting my face in the bowl requires difficult thinking. I use my nose, tongue, cheek, anything I can to get the food where I can grab it with my lips. Then there is the whole thing about drinking milk with your tongue. It is so good when it doesn't come out of a glass. After I'm a dog, I usually get to be a up the mess with a broom.
There are a few rules while eating that are real joy robbers. 1) No throwing food. (Can you believe that?) Food is fun. It sticks to the wall when it is thrown. 2) No squeezing food. (complete stiffling of creativity!) Oh the sounds and textures squeezed food have. Yogurt even makes noises and tastes better when licks, unlike applesauce which is too runny when squeezed. I can't believe my mom and dad would rob me of such a powerful educational tool! 3) I can't pour the salad dressing by myself. This is unfair!!! I'm so big! 4) No sitting on the table. Don't they know that people in parks eat with their lunch beside them? It's so handy to have my food beside me. I don't even have to reach to get my food. Gravity takes my hand there. 5) Woof, Woof can't eat the food. Can you believe my parents won't feed my dog? He would starve if I didn't sneak him food. They said, he isn't made to get food on him. But I know it just wipes off. They're tricking me. My mom has got off spaghetti sauce, yogurt, milk, just to name a few.
I'm off to lunch myself. Boring peanut butter with raspberry jam. When will my mom break out of this rut!
Lil' e
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