Picture of Squished Dinosaur -- T-Rex Stepped on it
Dinosaur Eggs
Top: Dinosaur that got stepped on
Bottom: Big, Big, tiny egg
Top: Triceratops that Died
Middle: Tiny Eggs that will Hatch into a Bird
Bottom: Bird

Middle: Tiny Eggs that will Hatch into a Bird
Bottom: Bird
Big E has been saving up her stories so hopefully she'll write next. Mom has been starting school at 8 am and end between 4 and 5 pm. We think it's because she has more fun teaching than cleaning the house and this justifies it getting messy because she's "working" a full-time job. At any rate, Big E has no time for "free activities," like blogging. She's hoping Dad will rescue her by coming home early from work one day and he'll see the truth behind this 8 and 9 hour madness.
Later (and thankful to be only 3),
lil' e

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