Things My Mom Does That Freak Me Out:
1. Demands I give her money from my piggy bank (which is strangely a brown elephant) when I destroy Eden's things.
2. Hangs me upside down like a bad in the closet (well, maybe she doesn't but she says she will)
3. Takes away technology when SHE says I don't listen to her words and she won't change her mind no matter how much I insist I didn't hear her.
4. Makes me eat with a fork (what??! hands are waaaaay more efficient)
5. Straps me into a car seat from which I cannot escape while in my underwear and lion shirt while I scream and threaten to escape out of the car from the other door since she childproofed my door after I opened it while we were driving down the street -- all because she wouldn't let me stay home from school!!
Things My Mom Wishes Freaked Me Out:
1. Threatening me to listen to her words by saying she's going to take away my dessert for life.
2. Telling me I will get no technology time if I don't eat my vegetables.
3. Informing me I could've died if Jessica wouldn't have been there to help me up to the surface after I dove to the bottom of their 6 foot pool and ran out of air on the way back up. I assured her next time I wouldn't run out of air. (She didn't seem pleased until informing me I would have no more swim lessons if I continued to dive down to the bottom of their pool - of which I acquiesced because I've been talking about swim lessons with Jessica for the ENTIRE fall, winter and spring!)
4. Informing me I could fall over our second floor balcony if my pillow fort fell over the wrong way since it was taller than the railing. I quickly assured her it would never fall over because I had learned after the last won dumped me into the window, for which I was somewhat disappointed it didn't break. She again informed me if I didn't live by her parameters, she wouldn't allow balcony forts. (What an overly anxious mother I have!)
5. Cautioning me not to ride a mini-wagon down the slide. (Here, I wished I'd listened to her. It hurt.)
Things I Do to Freak My Mom Out:
1. Spitting out my ice cream sprinkles back into my bowl after they have been in my mouth to save until the very end. She especially squeals when it involves spit.
2. Making a beautiful picture on my wooden chair and table that didn't scrub off. (I assured her I'd want it always so it didn't matter it wouldn't come off.)
3. Doing forward rolls off the couch
4. Running around without clothes when Eden has her friends over. I really don't see what the big deal on this one is....
5. Dropping the food I don't want to eat on the floor so I don't have to, you know, eat it.
To discuss what I do with the cats would take up way too much I'm skipping that subject.
lil' e
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