I'm so excited! I just spent the weekend with my cousins. We had sooo much fun. I NEVER even went to bed the whole time. We got to go to the beach all day while my Mom and Aunt Lisa were gone. We went to IHOP TWICE!!! Then on the third day my Dad made me chocolate chip pancakes. It was the best! We went to Chuck E. Cheese where I made lots of points. AND we got to go to frozen yogurt really late at night.
After everyone left, it was a real drag! Only my mom was home. She made me do so many things: work on my math workbooks, read, play piano, AND do Spanish. I got sent into a time out twice for talking to her in a bad tone of voice. How fair is that? Not letting me express my opinion! Huh, I'll show her! I'm going to tell my dad when he gets home. I'm sure he'll talk to my mom. He knows what's it like when she's always so serious. She makes him do the dishes and put away his clothes. He gets how hard it is to live with her.
She hasn't even set up any playdates for me yet. And she never cares that I can't fall asleep. I tell her about all my body aches, from my finger hurting to me toe. She just says, "I'm sorry it hurts. Now go back to bed." She's not sorry! She doesn't care! If she cared, she'd let me sleep in her bed with her and Daddy. But she doesn't care! She definitely likes Lil' E more than me!!! He doesn't get to sleep in their bed either but at least she picks him up and rocks him. She doesn't do anything for me but send me back to bed.
Enough said, I'm getting depressed just thinking about it. She for sure doesn't like me as much as my brother -- she gave him a name with six letters just like hers and Daddys. Mine is the only one with four! They are all together and I am ALONE. Again.
Anyone need a roommate for the summer? I'm still available.
Big E