Yesterday was hard. I got spanked. I couldn't help it. I bit my mom five times and my dad once. It was just too much to process without biting: Grammy's leaving, my mom coming back into my life, the anticipation of Papa and Mimi visiting later this week. I was distressed. My mom needed to let me do what I wanted so I wouldn't be forced to bite her. It wasn't my fault she wouldn't let me kick the cat and pull its tail. If she would have ignored the situation, then no biting would have happened.
It wasn't my fault that sissy wouldn't share her new notebook with me. This required me first to jump on her, then pull her hair and then finally bite my mom as I was going to my time out. Again, if I could have had the notebook all of this would have been avoided.
It also wasn't my fault that I wanted to throw my cereal across the table and on the floor. It was so cool watching it spread across the table, and the sound was so exciting. Joy robber mother put me in a time out for having cereal fun so I just couldn't resist biting her arm as we went into time out. How fair is that with her arm in front of my mouth? What else am I supposed to do with it there?
Then there was the bite because she wasn't letting me eat on the couch, the bite because I wanted to communicate "I love playing with you" as I was climbing on her back for a piggyback ride and for daddy, the bite for sticking me in time out because I was climbing on the back of the couch. (He too, stuck his arm right there to bite!)
If only my parents would see that when I get a spanking, I feel really bad. I hate feeling bad. On top of it all, I have to give a hug, say sorry, say "I love you" and go over why spankings happened. It's a real drag and waste of my time. If they only realized that all of it, the whole cycle, could end with them and their choices. It's not about my decision to bite, it's all about them and their choice to give me a spanking.
I'm sure if they would just let me be as I want and allow me to have what I want, then I will just naturally be transformed into a loving person.
Don't all puppies bite? I'm like that. There is nothing wrong with it. It's in my genetics, which controls me! AND my mom and dad gave me these genes. They need to take some responsibility here!
I want my Grammy.
She gave me what I wanted.
You're right, Little E. Grammy's are the best. Your Joy Robber is something else. How you ever can deal with her on a day to day basis, I don't know. Hopefully you'll make it to 3 and hopefully Joy Robber will mellow out in her old age. But little E, I think the sooner you learn to play by her rules, you'll be better off. But just a suggestion.....