I was extremely disappointed when Mimi and Papa left. I didn't want to talk to anyone after we said "good-bye." I was mad. I even called them when they were driving and told them to "come home!" Mimi said they couldn't come back so I tried to bite the phone but my mommy wouldn't let me.
These good-byes are just too hard on me. I hate feeling sad and disappointed so biting helps me feel better. After all, I can only take so much -- good-byes, having to follow the rules, and not being able to do exactly what I want all adds up to a biting afternoon. If only my mom would recognize that I'm only 2 1/2! Then she could see that I just can't handle everything at once and need to be given more brownies to help me with my disappointment in people leaving.
At least sissy has been home! She doesn't have school anymore so she's been teaching me how to do homework. She gave me my own white notebook, paper, and a pencil. We sit down and do homework together. I'm a great writer and can write my name, all the numbers, and pretty much anything I can think of. You should see my "ga-ga's" (helicopters), they are amazing! Yesterday, she read to me in the chair. I got to lean my head on her shoulder while she read SkippyjonJones AND Gorilla goes walking, two of my favorite books.
I also got to dig in my pile of dirt. I found another piece of cat poop so I brought it inside to show my mom and sissy. My mom made me wash my hands after we threw it away. I tried to tell her I was going back outside to play in the dirt but she made me wash them! I wasn't happy about it. Then I wanted my mom to come outside and play with me but she told me she was making dinner. So I came up with a brilliant idea of how to be with her.
I brought in a bucket of dirt and dumped it on the kitchen floor. This made it so that I could be with my mommy AND play with dirt at the same time. Unfortunately, my mom was NOT excited about this. She screamed. Then she swept all the dirt up and dumped it back outside. I was so mad! I wanted to be with her and she was rejecting me. Dumping out my dirt! Sending me back outside! She is crushing my problem solving ability, making me come up with solutions only she thinks or approves of...I will never get to Harvard with her crushing my creativity.
This weekend, more visitors, including Grandpa D.
Am I going to get spoiled!
Lil' E
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