We're a ten year old and a five year old famously known as E squared. Please help us gain some parenting instruction for our Mom who's at least insightful enough to start a therapy fund for us.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Maggot Trauma -- Big E

LA is one happenin' place -- Lindsay Lohan going to jail (will she learn?), crime rates dropping, and fireworks every night at 9:30 (compliments of Disneyland). I can hardly imagine anyplace more in the scene. So far, summer has been filled with AMAZING cousin connections, trips to the library, shopping at Justice (who is always out of what I want...why do they bother putting out a catalog when they are just going to be out of it?) and gymnastics.

Occasionally, my mom tries to get me to work outside but who wants to get her hands dirty? Or, she tries to get me to pick lemons but I can't do that! I'm remind her that black widows can live in citrus trees so I can't pick them! I'm only 7, way to young to protect herself from spiders. Most of the time this excuse works. When it doesn't, I just lift Lil' e up and have him pick them.

I CANNOT wait until next week when I get to visit Mimi and Papa's kittens. I LOVE kittens. I wait all year for this visit because my dad would NEVER let me get a kitten. It is so unfair!

The mention of kittens, brings me to the most disturbing, traumatic thing that has ever happened to me. Yesterday, it was discovered that the cat had some poop on her hind end, flies had visited it, laid eggs, and yes, you know the result of fly eggs -- maggots. I cannot even tell you what I had to witness because it is too disturbing. However, I can tell you that I had to help my mom who was hosing down the cat and giving her a bath to get rid of some of the maggots. She cut off some of the clumps of hair that were housing these disgusting creatures. They were crawling up her hand. AND we had to stand in puddles of water that had come off the cat, which had poop AND maggots. It was so disgusting we definitely washed our feet before rushing to the hospital. Oedipus, my cat, is recovering after being taken to the animal hospital (where they spent an hour digging out maggots and have to check her twice a day for two more days to make sure they are all out!!) but I'm not sure I will ever recover. (About her name...Oedipus is a girl with a boy name because her first vet said she was a boy.)

After that, every piece of thread or shredded wheat I saw on the floor looked like maggot! The doctor said more would be coming out of her. Of course I couldn't sleep! I thought about how Oedipus had been on my bed the day before -- possibly with maggots. I was sure I felt something crawling up me when I got into bed. So I cried. My bed got stripped and I squirmed around before finally falling asleep. Of course I couldn't sleep there all night! I had to go into my parent's bedroom because I was still scared. My dad didn't let me sleep with them until after the third time of going in there. I wore him down, got what I wanted -- sleeping in their bed, which is much more comfortable and is maggot free.

You can be sure I'll be visiting them again tonight!

Off to read Falling Up to Oedipus, who needs company and entertainment. She is still in pain. Poor thing!

Big E

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