I miss my daddy so much when he's at work. I hate it when I wake up and he's not here, like today. I went into his bedroom yelling, "Daddy, Daddy" and who pops her head up? Mommy. She says, "He's not here. He's gone to work." My world went black. I ran through the house, "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy. I want my daddy." As if that wasn't enough I said, "All done, Daddy all done work." But nothing helped. He didn't come home.
You can imagine my distress. I threw lots of letters, dumped out my cereal, and tried to bite mommy and sissy. Of course, I got a time-out but it was such a relief!! To be away from two girls for a moment was fantastic -- I even refused to come out of a time-out twice because I needed more time alone. Issy and Mommy are always bossing me around for some reason -- telling me to do this and that. All I want to do is build and destroy, build and destroy. They just don't get it like Daddy does.
To make matters worse, Issy had a water bottle I wanted. She wouldn't give it to me. I did what I had to do. Scream, "Mine! Mine! Mine!" When that didn't help, I grabbed her shirt, grabbed her shorts and tried to grab her hair but she's too tall. Then I tried to spit on her. Of course, Issy started screaming so mommy got involved and she said I couldn't have the water bottle. Unbelievable! I did more of what I had to do. I took my snack AND my so-not-good-enough water bottle, threw them at Issy and screamed "Mine!". I got a time-out. It was so worth it! That will teach Issy and my Mom to pick on me. Boy-power! Daddy would have given me the water-bottle for sure.
Playing without boys is the worst. I throw balls to myself. Well, actually I throw them AT anything I can. After throwing them, I do a fist pump and yell, "Good throw, baby!!!" and run to get the ball. If Daddy was here, he would be saying that to me. I wouldn't have to say it to myself. Mommy does try. She offers to play catch but who wants to play with a girl?
Come home, Daddy. Play Blocks!
Lil' E
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