Mimi and Papa are coming to see me. However, I want to go back to their house. Every day I ask to go on an airplane. We have lots that fly over our house. My mom tells me it's too late to get on them because they're already flying. Still, she hasn't taken me to get on a different airplane. It makes me sad. When I think of all the cars they have and all the dirt, it just makes me want to lay on the floor and say, "NO!!!!!"
I'm glad Mimi is coming. She makes great pancakes, even better than my dad. She also plays the best games with me AND does puzzles. She even plays with me when Issy isn't around, which I like. Issy and Mommy can cramp my style "lil' bit." I like to be free to make messes, Mimi lets me do that. Then there is Papa. He plays catch with me. Someday I'm going to be a smokejumper like him. I even told my mom. Being the WAY over-the-top teacher that she is, immediately got a book from the library for me to read about smokejumpers. I LOVE airplanes, helicopters, fire and jumping! I'm going to be a great smokejumper, just like Papa. If only I had a forest so I could know what one is...
This picture is of my cat, Oedipus. She has gotten me in some real trouble lately. She keeps biting me. My mom says it isn't biting because she doesn't draw blood or leave a mark. She tells me that Oedipus is warning me. But I know what I feel -- she's biting me!! She bites me when I do things like, use her as a pillow or pull her tail. I get that she doesn't like it but she doesn't need to bite. That's what my mom keeps telling me anyways. She tells me I need to stop biting and use my words. My mom doesn't know that I'm part animal and have to bite when I don't get my way. I've even started biting people outside of my family. My friend, Bree didn't want me to have Issy's pillow. That made me mad! So, she got bit. She didn't want to be my friend anymore. But maybe she'll like me when we play "happy day" on the hammick or climb on the slide...things where we can both get our way. The thing that bugs me so much is that my mom has such high expectations...if Oedipus, who is 12 bites, how can I, a mere 2 year 8 month old, be expected not to bite? She has such high expectations. I'm going to need some serious therapy when I get older!
Lil e
P.S. if smokejumping doesn't work out, I'm going to be a rapper. You should see my MAD moves. I even yell and scream when my mom changes the radio station from hip hop...who wants to listen to country? Please! We're in the city again...hip hop only!!!
We're a ten year old and a five year old famously known as E squared. Please help us gain some parenting instruction for our Mom who's at least insightful enough to start a therapy fund for us.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Things We'll Miss -- Esquared
Jigbee and Max
Mixie and Bootz
What we really miss already...
Chocolate Chip Pancakes
Apple Deer Tree and Mamas with fawns
oh, and all the frogs...
Mimi and Papa, too
Chocolate Chip Waffles
And the kittens
Did we mention we miss the kittens?
And Chocolate Chip pancakes with no eggs for breakfast...Thanks, Mimi!
Can't sleep because we need the kitties and we have nothing to wake up to...no chocolate chip pancakes,
Mixie and Bootz
What we really miss already...
Chocolate Chip Pancakes
Apple Deer Tree and Mamas with fawns
oh, and all the frogs...
Mimi and Papa, too
Chocolate Chip Waffles
And the kittens
Did we mention we miss the kittens?
And Chocolate Chip pancakes with no eggs for breakfast...Thanks, Mimi!
Can't sleep because we need the kitties and we have nothing to wake up to...no chocolate chip pancakes,
Things I'll Miss -- Big E
It is really no fair that my Mom got to grow up here. What do I get to see in the city? Nothing! These are the things I'm going to miss...
Kittens chasing my string...
Taking pictures of the sunset...
Clouds. I rarely get to see clouds where I live. How fair is that?
Other things I'll miss...
1. Visiting Uncle Rhys and his kitties
2. Kittens
3. Golf Cart Rides
4. Doing gymnastics with Aunt Anna
5. Playing jokes on Mark, Jerry or John
6. Kittens
Kittens chasing my string...
Taking pictures of the sunset...
Clouds. I rarely get to see clouds where I live. How fair is that?
Other things I'll miss...
1. Visiting Uncle Rhys and his kitties
2. Kittens
3. Golf Cart Rides
4. Doing gymnastics with Aunt Anna
5. Playing jokes on Mark, Jerry or John
6. Kittens
Things I'll Miss -- Lil' E
I've said Good-bye to Mimi and Papa.
I'm sad. I keep asking to go to Mimi and Papa's in the airplane but my parents won't let me. Come, Mimi and Papa!
Snakes, especially when Papa chases them. This is one he put in his bike pack when he found it while riding his bike. It arrived safe and sound. Of course, he returned it where he got it...driving.
Mountains with snow. This is the view from Mimi and Papa's front yard.
Helicopters. Do you see I'm in it!!! I wanted to ride one back home but I had to ride an airplane instead. Maybe next time.
Other things I'll miss...
1. Golf Cart Rides
2. Dirt and trucks
3. Mimi
4. Papa
5. Cousins and Uncle Kerby and Aunt Anna
I'm sad. I keep asking to go to Mimi and Papa's in the airplane but my parents won't let me. Come, Mimi and Papa!
Snakes, especially when Papa chases them. This is one he put in his bike pack when he found it while riding his bike. It arrived safe and sound. Of course, he returned it where he got it...driving.
Mountains with snow. This is the view from Mimi and Papa's front yard.
Helicopters. Do you see I'm in it!!! I wanted to ride one back home but I had to ride an airplane instead. Maybe next time.
Other things I'll miss...
1. Golf Cart Rides
2. Dirt and trucks
3. Mimi
4. Papa
5. Cousins and Uncle Kerby and Aunt Anna
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
It Spiked Me! -- Big E
Building a caterpillar home for our new temporary pet
Don't eat my kittens! Our resident golden eagles were making their rounds right over our house. I made sure no kittens were dinner by offering them my arm. Of course, they didn't eat it. But they didn't eat my kitties either.
Me, being very, very brave and petting the bull snake that Papa caught.I'm mad at my mom. She made fun of me about being scared to hold a caterpillar. What she has failed to understand is this caterpillar has spikes!!! Just look at the picture and you can see for yourself. My papa was very unsympathetic. No one comforted me when it hurt. I need my Dad. He's from the city. He understands that not all people can pick up bull snakes, drive a backhoe, spot deer 2 miles away on the hillside, or a coyote that blends in for that matter...yes, my dad just gets me when I'm in the country.
Don't misunderstand me. I want to live in the country. I cry every year when I have to leave to go back home. It is not my fault that my parents make me live in a city of a half of million people. I'm so country deprived that when I was five, I asked my mom if the deer were real that were in people's yard. My mom laughed at me then and said, "yes, they are real. What else could they be?" I reminded her of the deer with lights. You know, the ones that are up at Christmas. She laughed even harder. (Are you seeing a pattern here? lack of empathy!)
But I digress. I mastered some fear this week by petting a bull snake that I told my Grandpa he needed to go get. Of course, Grandpa wants me to get the full country experience why I'm here. (He feels sorry for me, too that I have to live in the city.) So he went down the hill to find the bullsnake for Lil' E and me. He's the best.
Doing things for others, reminds me that my Dad, this summer is going to get my Mom an iphone. He is giving her his old one with a cracked face and he's going to buy the new model. He tells me this is great for Mommy! I just can't figure out why Mommy would get the cracked one, when he dropped and broke it and he gets a new one. I'm still working on how that is a gift. It seems like it would be like me giving Lil' E my stuffed animal with the stuffing coming out of it and keeping the two brand new ones I got. I guess this type of gift giving happens when you've been married for thirteen years. I can tell I've got a lot to learn.
I'm off to sleep because I have pottery class in the morning. I'll show pictures soon.
Big E
Monday, August 9, 2010
Daddy, Come! -- Lil' e
Playin' some morning golf in my pjs
My dad left me with you-know-who. He has been gone for nine days and I won't see him again for another four. I keep asking him to "Come!" but he says he can't. He has to work. This is disappointing to me. I even cried to make him come back, but he says he can't. So, I don't talk to him on the phone anymore. If he won't come, then I don't want to talk to him. Today, my mom made me talk to him so I just kept hitting the phone. That made her listen. She didn't make me talk to him anymore.
It's not all bad, Issy is sleeping in the bed with Mommy, which is in my room. We have family snuggle time and it is soo fun!! I wish my Mom (I'm sort of outgrowing Mommy, but sometimes I still use it.) would let me sleep with her but of course it is against her nature...it would be fun. She's really against anything that's fun. Well except for playing in the dirt with me, tickling me, chasing me, playing golf with me, and reading me stories, but other than that, she's really awful to be around. Puts me in time-outs all the time.
In fact, she wouldn't even let me go outside for the rest of the day after I bit her for the third time today. What kind of mom is that? Please, doesn't she know that the kittens are biting me after I've been holding them too long. Of course, I'm going to bite her when I'm frustrated. The kittens are being bad models to me. I really can't help it. She's got to get a grip on what it means to be a two and a half year old. We're so susceptible to influence...like the kittens biting me, I HAVE to do it to someone else.
This potty training thing is really over-the-top. I do NOT want to sit on the potty. No M&M's, no ice cream, no pieces of chocolate make me want to sit on the potty. Who wants to stop what they are doing to go use the toilet? No one that I know. Going poop is WAY easier if I'm running around, being crazy and it just happens. It just doesn't happen when I'm on the potty. It takes way too much concentration, not to mention the lack of privacy. Who needs it? I'm on strike -- NO MORE POTTY TRAINING!!! I won't go poop until I get a diaper. Period.
Lil' E
Friday, August 6, 2010
Why does my hand have to hurt? -- Big E
Me being a seal
Splashing and staying cool in the front yard
Trying my hand at photography
I found this dragonfly before anyone else. AND, I took this picture.Why does my hand have to hurt? First, four days ago Mimi asked my mom to move a pizza pan. Since I'm so incredibly helpful and want to help, I grabbed it. It had just come out of the oven.
Yes, I burned the tips of my fingers AND they blistered. Made water bubble under my skin. I couldn't practice my handstand or any gymnastics move for four days. It hurt for days.
Then, just when it was feeling much better and my handstands were returning to vertical, a sliver found itself wedged between my skin and my fingernail. Yes, the sliver broke off. Yes, it broke my fingernail. Yes, it hurts AND still hurts even though it happened 12 hours ago. Luckily, the sliver (2 cm long) didn't completely break off when my mom was getting it with the tweezers and it came out.
HOWEVER, my mom pulled too fast! She made it hurt worse. She didn't tell me she was going to pull so fast. She should have gone slower. All day, I haven't been able to figure out why she pulled it out so fast and now she's stopped answering me. I can't believe she won't at least tell me why she did it so fast. She could at least confess that she was wrong and she's sorry she made it hurt worse. But no, not her. She has too much pride to say she's sorry. In fact, she's so defensive she won't even talk about it any more.
What kind of role model is she? I'm not going to answer her when she asks me why I'm kicking my brother. Or why I'm pushing him away from my stuff. She's going to find that I have nothing to say. So, I won't get in trouble for not answering because she's not answering me.
I can't wait until I see my daddy again. He went back to work and we're stuck here with Mom. At least she bought me something when we went shopping today...origami bookmarks...that's pretty cool. But she wouldn't let me buy a homemade peanut butter cup at the candy shop...it was so lame because we went there yesterday for ice cream so it's not like we'd been there today. I couldn't believe she wouldn't let me. I'm definitely going to tell Daddy about this. He's going to talk to her...after all, it's his money. He's the one who works.
Holding out for chocolate...
Big E
Splashing and staying cool in the front yard
Trying my hand at photography
I found this dragonfly before anyone else. AND, I took this picture.Why does my hand have to hurt? First, four days ago Mimi asked my mom to move a pizza pan. Since I'm so incredibly helpful and want to help, I grabbed it. It had just come out of the oven.
Yes, I burned the tips of my fingers AND they blistered. Made water bubble under my skin. I couldn't practice my handstand or any gymnastics move for four days. It hurt for days.
Then, just when it was feeling much better and my handstands were returning to vertical, a sliver found itself wedged between my skin and my fingernail. Yes, the sliver broke off. Yes, it broke my fingernail. Yes, it hurts AND still hurts even though it happened 12 hours ago. Luckily, the sliver (2 cm long) didn't completely break off when my mom was getting it with the tweezers and it came out.
HOWEVER, my mom pulled too fast! She made it hurt worse. She didn't tell me she was going to pull so fast. She should have gone slower. All day, I haven't been able to figure out why she pulled it out so fast and now she's stopped answering me. I can't believe she won't at least tell me why she did it so fast. She could at least confess that she was wrong and she's sorry she made it hurt worse. But no, not her. She has too much pride to say she's sorry. In fact, she's so defensive she won't even talk about it any more.
What kind of role model is she? I'm not going to answer her when she asks me why I'm kicking my brother. Or why I'm pushing him away from my stuff. She's going to find that I have nothing to say. So, I won't get in trouble for not answering because she's not answering me.
I can't wait until I see my daddy again. He went back to work and we're stuck here with Mom. At least she bought me something when we went shopping today...origami bookmarks...that's pretty cool. But she wouldn't let me buy a homemade peanut butter cup at the candy shop...it was so lame because we went there yesterday for ice cream so it's not like we'd been there today. I couldn't believe she wouldn't let me. I'm definitely going to tell Daddy about this. He's going to talk to her...after all, it's his money. He's the one who works.
Holding out for chocolate...
Big E
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Kitty, Come Out! -- Lil' e
The kittens couldn't get enough of me so I helped them out by putting them in my wagon. They knew I couldn't escape, and neither could they!
This is a fort Issy made. I read "Bob the Builder" but I don't think Issy read anything because she never said anything out loud. She just sat with her book on her lap, slowly turning the pages. She must have been too interested in hearing my story, to read hers.
If Mixie is hiding, I'll find her. I'll run around the trailor for hours until she comes out.
Max-ee-moo-moo; I love it when he chases my string!The kitties really can't get enough of me. When I leave to go home, they are going to miss the escape practicing I'm doing with them. You know, the escaping they need to do from coyotes and hawks in order to last longer than a year. Given I'm older, not to mention a master escape artist from you-know-who!, I'm teaching them how to run away when I chase them. So far, they are getting quite good at it. They've even found a new hiding place, under the deck. However, they must realize that determined predators will indeed wait for their prey. So we're working on "looking around and making sure the coast is clear" because they get caught a ridiculous number of times. Since they aren't quite learning successfully (not to get caught), I've had to give them some harsh consequences so they will be more focused -- throwing them across the lawn, covering them with blankets, and my favorite, throwing them in the pool. Papa wasn't too happy with my teaching techniques (he's a softy) so after he saw me giving a consequence, he gave me one...no touching the kitties for the rest of the day. I made sure he wasn't around for any more consequence giving after that.
I am having a very difficult time potty training my mommy. She will not get it into her head that diapers are more comfortable than sitting on the potty. Who wants to sit on the potty when your bottom gets read and it's uncomfortable? I don't for sure. She thinks she can give me M&M's to balance out my feeling uncomfortable on the potty. She's wrong! AND she doesn't listen to me. So, to make sure she really got it, I threw the M&M's at her and ran behind my bed where she couldn't reach me. Of course, she used the major power play of "you have to stay in your room and not go outside" to make me sit on the potty but I REFUSED to eat her M&M's. That will show her!
I can't wait for tomorrow....more digging, digging, digging in the dirt AND kitty chasing, of course!
Lil' e
This is a fort Issy made. I read "Bob the Builder" but I don't think Issy read anything because she never said anything out loud. She just sat with her book on her lap, slowly turning the pages. She must have been too interested in hearing my story, to read hers.
If Mixie is hiding, I'll find her. I'll run around the trailor for hours until she comes out.
Max-ee-moo-moo; I love it when he chases my string!The kitties really can't get enough of me. When I leave to go home, they are going to miss the escape practicing I'm doing with them. You know, the escaping they need to do from coyotes and hawks in order to last longer than a year. Given I'm older, not to mention a master escape artist from you-know-who!, I'm teaching them how to run away when I chase them. So far, they are getting quite good at it. They've even found a new hiding place, under the deck. However, they must realize that determined predators will indeed wait for their prey. So we're working on "looking around and making sure the coast is clear" because they get caught a ridiculous number of times. Since they aren't quite learning successfully (not to get caught), I've had to give them some harsh consequences so they will be more focused -- throwing them across the lawn, covering them with blankets, and my favorite, throwing them in the pool. Papa wasn't too happy with my teaching techniques (he's a softy) so after he saw me giving a consequence, he gave me one...no touching the kitties for the rest of the day. I made sure he wasn't around for any more consequence giving after that.
I am having a very difficult time potty training my mommy. She will not get it into her head that diapers are more comfortable than sitting on the potty. Who wants to sit on the potty when your bottom gets read and it's uncomfortable? I don't for sure. She thinks she can give me M&M's to balance out my feeling uncomfortable on the potty. She's wrong! AND she doesn't listen to me. So, to make sure she really got it, I threw the M&M's at her and ran behind my bed where she couldn't reach me. Of course, she used the major power play of "you have to stay in your room and not go outside" to make me sit on the potty but I REFUSED to eat her M&M's. That will show her!
I can't wait for tomorrow....more digging, digging, digging in the dirt AND kitty chasing, of course!
Lil' e
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