Playin' some morning golf in my pjs
My dad left me with you-know-who. He has been gone for nine days and I won't see him again for another four. I keep asking him to "Come!" but he says he can't. He has to work. This is disappointing to me. I even cried to make him come back, but he says he can't. So, I don't talk to him on the phone anymore. If he won't come, then I don't want to talk to him. Today, my mom made me talk to him so I just kept hitting the phone. That made her listen. She didn't make me talk to him anymore.
It's not all bad, Issy is sleeping in the bed with Mommy, which is in my room. We have family snuggle time and it is soo fun!! I wish my Mom (I'm sort of outgrowing Mommy, but sometimes I still use it.) would let me sleep with her but of course it is against her would be fun. She's really against anything that's fun. Well except for playing in the dirt with me, tickling me, chasing me, playing golf with me, and reading me stories, but other than that, she's really awful to be around. Puts me in time-outs all the time.
In fact, she wouldn't even let me go outside for the rest of the day after I bit her for the third time today. What kind of mom is that? Please, doesn't she know that the kittens are biting me after I've been holding them too long. Of course, I'm going to bite her when I'm frustrated. The kittens are being bad models to me. I really can't help it. She's got to get a grip on what it means to be a two and a half year old. We're so susceptible to the kittens biting me, I HAVE to do it to someone else.
This potty training thing is really over-the-top. I do NOT want to sit on the potty. No M&M's, no ice cream, no pieces of chocolate make me want to sit on the potty. Who wants to stop what they are doing to go use the toilet? No one that I know. Going poop is WAY easier if I'm running around, being crazy and it just happens. It just doesn't happen when I'm on the potty. It takes way too much concentration, not to mention the lack of privacy. Who needs it? I'm on strike -- NO MORE POTTY TRAINING!!! I won't go poop until I get a diaper. Period.
Lil' E
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