Mimi and Papa are coming to see me. However, I want to go back to their house. Every day I ask to go on an airplane. We have lots that fly over our house. My mom tells me it's too late to get on them because they're already flying. Still, she hasn't taken me to get on a different airplane. It makes me sad. When I think of all the cars they have and all the dirt, it just makes me want to lay on the floor and say, "NO!!!!!"
I'm glad Mimi is coming. She makes great pancakes, even better than my dad. She also plays the best games with me AND does puzzles. She even plays with me when Issy isn't around, which I like. Issy and Mommy can cramp my style "lil' bit." I like to be free to make messes, Mimi lets me do that. Then there is Papa. He plays catch with me. Someday I'm going to be a smokejumper like him. I even told my mom. Being the WAY over-the-top teacher that she is, immediately got a book from the library for me to read about smokejumpers. I LOVE airplanes, helicopters, fire and jumping! I'm going to be a great smokejumper, just like Papa. If only I had a forest so I could know what one is...
This picture is of my cat, Oedipus. She has gotten me in some real trouble lately. She keeps biting me. My mom says it isn't biting because she doesn't draw blood or leave a mark. She tells me that Oedipus is warning me. But I know what I feel -- she's biting me!! She bites me when I do things like, use her as a pillow or pull her tail. I get that she doesn't like it but she doesn't need to bite. That's what my mom keeps telling me anyways. She tells me I need to stop biting and use my words. My mom doesn't know that I'm part animal and have to bite when I don't get my way. I've even started biting people outside of my family. My friend, Bree didn't want me to have Issy's pillow. That made me mad! So, she got bit. She didn't want to be my friend anymore. But maybe she'll like me when we play "happy day" on the hammick or climb on the slide...things where we can both get our way. The thing that bugs me so much is that my mom has such high expectations...if Oedipus, who is 12 bites, how can I, a mere 2 year 8 month old, be expected not to bite? She has such high expectations. I'm going to need some serious therapy when I get older!
Lil e
P.S. if smokejumping doesn't work out, I'm going to be a rapper. You should see my MAD moves. I even yell and scream when my mom changes the radio station from hip hop...who wants to listen to country? Please! We're in the city again...hip hop only!!!
Hi Lil' e,
ReplyDeleteI would love to see some of your rap moves. Maybe you can ask your mom if she can video it and send it to your Aunt Sara. Then, we'd all watch with Megan, Emily, and soon even little Allison to watch their fun cousin. We love you!
I would love to show you my rap moves but when the camera is out, well I just have to look at myself and I stop dancing. We'll just have to plan to be together at Christmas...then I can show all of you, even Little Allison...Lil'e