We're a ten year old and a five year old famously known as E squared. Please help us gain some parenting instruction for our Mom who's at least insightful enough to start a therapy fund for us.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Things I want to talk to God about -- lil' e

1.  When I get to Heaven can I do more than on squirt of soap to make more bubbles?  Here on earth, I'm restricted to only one squirt.  This is extremely unsatisfying.

2.  Why can't I wear a bra like my Mommy?

3.  It's not really fair God created all the animals.  I want to make my own animal -- a shark/ elephant mix.

4.  I don't like all my teeth.  I only want one big tooth to eat my food with.

5.  Why does gymnastics have warm-ups?  I hate warm-ups.  They make me sad.  So sad that I lay in the middle of the floor and the other kids have to run around me.

6.  Why can't I be big now, all the way up to the ceiling?

7.  I can't wait for my Mom to shrink.  When does this start to happen?

8.  Thank you, God, for making my mom so nice.  She let's me sleep under my bed for naps.  It's much darker under there.  It makes me sleep. 


lil' e

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