We're a ten year old and a five year old famously known as E squared. Please help us gain some parenting instruction for our Mom who's at least insightful enough to start a therapy fund for us.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Yuck MOMents

Yesterday there were some Yuck moments. I fell and hit my elbow when I was pushing in the top dishwasher tray because my mom wasn’t listening to me about building a fort rather than doing the dishes. This made me mad. So when she was trying to comfort me, I tried to bite her. She was not happy so I got a time out. A 5 minute time out. Well after the buzzer she came in to ask me why I was in a time out and all I could think about was my elbow. It was hurting my elbow that started the whole thing. I told her, “elbow go bong, elbow go bong” when she wasn’t responding I raised my voice an octave at the start with elbow and dropped it an octave with bong. To me it had a very convincing ring for explaining why I was in time out but it was as if she couldn’t hear. I then had to flop back down in my bed and yell, “elbow, elbow, elbow.” I even pointed to my elbow. Luckily, my babysitter came so I told my mom “sar-cey” and even signed it to her by pounding my chest with my fist, for emphasis. To let her know I got it and was sorry. Well, sort of. I had no choice but to bite her. She wasn’t listening to my words.

But I’m getting side-tracked, Yuck moments –

there was getting rejected by sissy who wanted her alone time after she finished her homework – AGAIN! This did not go well with me so I climbed onto her bed and threw off all her stuffed animals. Then to make sure she really got I wasn’t happy, I ripped her book. Maybe next time she’ll think about it before she ignores me. Mom made me apologize and pick up all her animals and put them back. It was the worst. She deserved it! It made no sense why I should have to do work when she was the one ignoring me.

Another moment, Daddy told me I couldn’t have any more M&Ms for dessert so while he was filling the bathtub, I ran back to the table and grabbed a handful, putting it in my mouth. I then ran back to the tub but on the way I started choking and had to throw up the entire handful. It was yucky on many levels. Most importantly because I didn’t get to eat any more M&Ms.

Also, getting scratched by the cat because she didn’t want to be my bed. Her fur is so soft. I love to use her as a pillow. It feels so good that I thought using her as a bed would be even better so I climbed on top and she didn’t like that. So she scratched me and I yelled, “AAAaaa” I’m not going to let her be my pillow anymore, that will teach her! Then my mom made me pet her and say I'm sorry. Oh my goodness. It was so hard because I felt like pulling her hair rather than petting her. But I did it, not without a few pulls at first but with my mom's help, I got over the moment.

My final yuck moment was getting put in yet another time out (you’d think my mommy would tire of the extra work of putting me in time out!) for throwing my carrots and cucumbers across the table. I was majorly upset!!! I was practicing for my t-ball class I’m in. I had a perfect ‘L’ position arm and followed through with my throw. She had no right to interfere with it! Boy was I mad. She is such a joy robber. Then she had the nerve to make me pick them up!!! What is it with her and picking things up? Doesn't she know I'm only two?

I definitely don’t want to turn this into a grip session but we really need to help my mom. She just doesn’t get how to have fun.

On Wednesday, I was helping her with the laundry because I’m such a great helper and want her to feel like she can count on me. Well, I thought I would throw a little fun into the mix so I slammed the dryer door when she would throw the wet clothes in. It was so cool. I’d hear a slam (dryer door), followed by a ker-plunk (wet clothes hitting dryer metal) and then a smack as the wet clothes slid onto the floor. It was the greatest thing, such a melody of sounds. Well, my mother did not appreciate the music, she’s into the country garbage so she lacks taste in this arena. I tried it several more time because I thought exposure would sway her but no such luck. In fact, she’s so controlling and against games she put me in yet another time-out. AGAIN!

I can’t wait for the weekend when Dad’s home. He’s way more fun. He takes us to McDonalds and the park. He lets us eat dessert without vegetables. In fact, he doesn’t even give me vegetables when Mom isn’t here. In fact, he never puts me in time out!

If you think of anything, please let me know your ideas of how to bring my Mom up to speed with how to play. I’ve heard laughter is great medicine so I’m hoping to break through her icy exterior and warm her up to play. For now, Little E


  1. OMG Kimber, I was laughing so hard when I was reading this. It's hilarious! I'm loving it! This poor child with his evil mother....my goodness. Keep it up. I look forward to reading more! I could never blog as good as you. Thanks for the laugh this morning!

  2. This was such a great read! It gave me many laughs, who is his mother...she needs to lighten up! I could relate on so many levels! I look forward to reading on!
