We're a ten year old and a five year old famously known as E squared. Please help us gain some parenting instruction for our Mom who's at least insightful enough to start a therapy fund for us.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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My last post failed to show my fabulous letter 'e.' So I'm including it here...Sorry for any confusion with my post. I was way too busy figuring out life to notice it the first time.

I wanted to give you a few ideas of things that I've figured out so far (but am always on the lookout for more...maybe you can post things to me and I'll check them out.)

1. small levers on the inside of my car door allow me to open the door while the car is moving.

2. I cannot reach the garage door opener by the laundry door. No tool, chair, or stool has allowed me to reach it. So, when it was time to get the mail on my tractor, I went outside in my dad's car, which he never locks, and pushed the garage door opener in his car. I couldn't help but be pleased when my dad came rushing out the front door only to find me on my way to the mailbox. As soon as I can figure out how to put the key in our mailbox, I won't even need him to go with me!

3. Turning the button on the stove creates fire! When I get older, I'm going to cook pancakes!

4. Pop-Up books that have electronics are extra special with ripping paper as an added sound.

5. Whatever you drop off the balcony falls to the ground.

6. If I want to get back at my mom, I just need to pick my scab!


lil' e

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