We're a ten year old and a five year old famously known as E squared. Please help us gain some parenting instruction for our Mom who's at least insightful enough to start a therapy fund for us.

Friday, July 23, 2010

I'll Show Her -- Lil' E

This picture is me FLYING HIGH with my amazing Uncle Kerby. He knows some RIDICULOUS moves. He does things with me that put my mom and dad to shame. To bad he wouldn't let me come home with him, we could create some real trouble.

My mom, the stalker, is going to have a few things coming to her. First of all, if she's going to follow me, then I'm going to make her pay. I love to go up and down stairs, especially the stairs that are by the steep incline where I could roll about 20 yards if I slip on the edge. My mom follows me up and down, up and down. I don't hold onto the railing unless threatened. If she says, "You have to hold onto the rail or go inside," well then, I hold onto the rail. However, I make her think I'm not going to listen first and when she's at the top of the stairs, I hold onto the rail and down we go again, by the steep drop off. Then, I go up again so I can chase the tittie-tats. You get the idea. She follows me everywhere I want to go.

As you can see by my picture, Mixie loves me. If I'm so lucky as to have surprised her and been able to pick her up, then there is no telling where I'll be taking her. This morning, I was lucky enough to catch her by my wading pool. I threw her in so she could have fun in the water, just like I do. My mom didn't like that much. Neither did Mixie. In fact, Mixie wouldn't let me pick her up the rest of the morning. She even stratched me. How rude! So I couldn't do it again because my mom threatened me to go inside. (And who wants to play inside on a day like today? Boring!)

I also have a number of tricks up my sleeve to keep my mom on her toes. She will regret not listening to me when I say, "go away!" At nap, I can get out (as I've previously posted). Well, I couldn't sleep again yesterday. So I tore off a bunch of paper on my Mimi's and Papa's wall. It was perfectly angled so I could get a bunch of it off. It was also right by my crib, within perfect reach.
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After I tore all I could, I still wasn't tired so I got out of my bed to wait until I was more sleepy. I found my markers in my airplane luggage and drew lots of helicopters all over my legs. After I was done, I realized my mom wouldn't like this so I took out all the wipes from the package and scrubbed my legs. Then, I tore up my heirloom, linen blanket just to hear it. (I love the sound of cloth tearing.) I accidentally, squealed with delight after my last tear and well, you-know-who came in the door. She put me back in bed, instantly. She kept my door open and eventually wore me down -- I slept.

Wearing me down, makes me angry so I showed her. This morning, when I woke up bright and early, I went straight to her side of the bed, pulled her finger and said, "Get up! Get up, Mommy." Little did she know how early stalking duties can start!


Lil' E
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1 comment:

  1. relaxing are you?? Paparazzi Parents NEVER get to rest.... ;)
